Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Zoning Question.

"My brother! Let us call a spade what it is. When we "legislate" before an election,that some section of a country cannot field candidates,that is not democracy,neither is it expanding the borders of democracy. 

We cannot reinvent the wheel.And that is what zoning seeks to do.I do not care where our president comes from,all I want is someone capable.

Would you take your expensive benz to a mechanic from Ogbona simply because he is from your area? Or would you rotate the servicing of your car between the good mechanic,and the bad one,for the sake of equity?

If it is not good for your car,how can it be good for Nigeria? -Julius Umogbai

Many have asked me what I think about zoning. I had a stimulating back and forth with a dear brother and friend;and I defended my stance on the matter with the quotation above.

I am not against zoning now because Goodluck,a man from the South South will benefit from it. 


I am also against a system that does not give every part of this country a realistic,fair,equitable,and unbiased, shot at the presidency. It means we are not a nation yet,we are a feudal system pretending to be a democracy.

Our battle should be,how do we make Nigeria a nation "fair for all" like the British Labour Party loves to say.

Nigeria is not fair to all,she is not fair to all,and in that respect,she is not fair to herself.

We need to save Nigeria from harming herself. The self-flagellation has gone on for fifty years. Are we not tired of the pain and bloodletting? What are we fighting over? 

A chance to deny our brothers the good that is theirs by right of belonging to this entity called Nigeria?

We need to set higher standards of behaviour for ourselves, we have been failing even with the low standards we have impelled,compelled,and sentenced, ourselves to aspire to.

Maybe we have been aiming too low,let us aspire Nigeria,let us soar! We belong with the eagles in the jet streams,not with the turkeys in the undergrowth.


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