Monday, January 24, 2011

Registration Of Voters:Matters Arising

Finally, the Independent National Electoral Commission,INEC, has decided to have mercy on us, and open a registration point at our estate. I am aware that some of the other estates around like Sun City, and Games Village, do not have yet!

I have decided that it is safer to register at a point near my house, than the land'send Galadimawa where I went last week Friday.

When I got to the point yesterday, I assumed that because it was Sunday, that the crowd would not be much. I was truly shocked! I was told that they had stopped writing names for the day, and that I had to come back the next day. As soon as the cock crowed, I left my house at six am, armed with a sheet of paper, hoping to be the first: I was wrong! I was told that some more serious people had come to write down their names at three am in the morning!

I was speechless! By the time I would write my name, I was number one hundred and thirty three on the list! All this before seven am! 

This goes to show the level of the zeal of our people for the exercise!
My concern, is that less hardy souls may become dispirited, and loose out on the exercise. Can we truly register all the eligible voters, in the time alloted for the exercise? Is there a way we can do it, to make it possible for voters to be registered all year round, instead of the crisis prone method we are currently using!

If one is to use the tenor of the present zeal of the people to register, as a barometer, I fear that this year's elections would not be business, as usual. People are so focussed, that I fear they may do a Tunisia, if there are any attempts to thwart their will at the polls!

Wherever you are, try and register. It is your one chance to make true change happen.


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