Thursday, June 23, 2011


My friend had an accident, while driving home from church on a Sunday afternoon! 

His family was with him in the car:the vehicle rammed into a building, his wife fractured her leg, and his son, his arm!

The son's fracture was a compound one, he had to endure twenty two hours of surgery!

He had suddenly lost all control of the car! When the police came, they found that his two front tires had burst while he was driving!

On closer inspection, the police found that all five tires had expired! But there was an added twist to the tale:it was a brand new car!

My friend,who happens to be a pastor, was fortunate, no one died, only limbs were broken!

What mere mortals like us would like to know, is how was a supposedly brand new vehicle successfully imported into Nigeria, with expired tires?

As a result of our aversion for keeping statistics, and meticulously investigating accidents,one would never know the calamitous carnage that expired tires, and other products that ought to be regulated are wreaking on the population!

I believe the police were just exceptional in my friend's case  because the insurance company insisted: they could not understand how a car that was just a week old, could crash mysteriously like that!

The routine response to accidents in Nigeria, is just to tow the vehicle away, and chalk up another statistic!

Over the years, a plethora of agencies have emerged charged with various functions, all geared towards safeguarding the lives of innocent citizens! 

However, the more the agencies have become, the more the incidents of preventable public health scares!

All they seem to be concerned with, is posturing on television, showing their efforts, and achievement, in a crazy bid to outdo other agencies!

Perhaps that is where the problem lies! We do not seem to be seeing a lot of interagency cooperation at play! They all seem to be lone rangers!

The counterfeiters, and importers of deadly products, are taking advantage of the cracks, to infiltrate our nation!

We cannot also rule out the activities of unfaithful operatives of these agencies who, for some more money, collude with the enemies of Nigeria!

The federal government should begin to consider the new Chinese model for dealing with cases of contaminate, or counterfeit products.

In China, long jail terms are given for injuries caused, and where lives are lost, those responsible, are also executed!

It is drastic, but the only language the devil understands, is violence: and these fellows are devils!

At the moment, the only sure regulation, is self-regulation! Open your eyes, and if you are in doubt, leave it alone!Do not eat it, do not drink it, do not rub it!

In addition to this, is whistle blowing: if you see,do tell! Do not say it is not your business, you may be unwittingly throwing a stone in the market place!


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